Second Issue, Vol. 1 of “International Journal of Peening Science and Technology”.
After much grafting, it again brings a real satisfaction to have compiled the 2nd Issue (Vol 1) of the International Journal of Peening...
A new YouTube channel!
I have just created a new YouTube Channel displaying some of my recent and past work in Laser Materials Processing. Many more short...
A visit to STFC/RAL Central Laser Facility for undertaking Laser Shock Peening Experiments!
It was great to have spent some time at STFC, Rutherford and Appleton Laboratory at the Central Laser Facility (in the first two weeks of...
Coneference Organisation, Attendance and Networking - LSP2018
Laser Shock Peening Conference, Singapore, June 2018. It gives me a real pleasure to have been a part of an organising committee to that...
Attendance at the AILU Half-day Laser Safety Training
SAFETY FOR LASER USERS The half day laser safety workshop was a very educational to attended. The mini-workshop was held at TRUMPF,...
New Publication: Laser Peening of nanolaminate graphene-aluminium alloy nanocomposites!
It is a great pleasure, to see the following paper now published: “Enhanced surface and mechanical properties of bioinspired nanolaminate...
My ICURe Journey!
Innovation to Commercialisation of Universcity Research (ICURe) was a fantastic journey for me, travelling 32294 miles across 3...
New Article: Laser Shock Peening of Metals and Advanced Ceramics
My recent article can be found in "The Laser User" Issue 87, 2018 Winter edition. It focused on Laser Shock Peening of Metals and...
First issue of “International Journal of Peening Science and Technology” now published.
It is a pleasure to finally announce the publication of the first volume, first issue of the International Journal of Peening Science and...
Cambridge Summit 2018, attendace and participation!
It was a busy start to the year already! On 4th January 2018, Dr Pratik Shukla and colleague Dr. Subhasisa Nath, Xiaojun Shen from...