Coneference Organisation, Attendance and Networking - LSP2018
Laser Shock Peening Conference, Singapore, June 2018.
It gives me a real pleasure to have been a part of an organising committee to that hosted the 7th International Conference on Laser Peening and Related Phenomena (LSP 2018).
This series returned to Asia from previously held South Afican venues, to the wonderful venue of Singapore, from 17th - 22nd June 2018, hosted by the National University of Singapore (NUS), and jointly organised with Coventry University, UK, through its Singapore Hub.
The conference was highly technical demonstrating original work of leading accademics and insutrialist working in the field of laser shock peening and related technology. It was a single session, workshop-style conference, emphasising on discussion and networking, with a focus on industrial problems and applications, alongside the basic phenomena of materials response and the development of peening laser systems for the future.
The conference was held on the engineering campus of the National University of Singapore. A great time was had and many new friendships were developed with the old relationships reignited once again. In addition, it was a great experience for Xiaojun Shen from Coventry University undertaking his PhD at Coventry University to have presented at his first Laser shock Peening Conference. Well done to him for presenting an excellent talk on his PhD research. The presentation was entitled “ Wetting Characterise and Cell Response of Ti-6Al-7Nb following Laser Shock Peening". To our knowladge this was one of teh first papers to have loowed at wetting characterics of LSP titanium alloys and also analsysis of cell activity for biomedical applications. Ultimately, this received a positive response from the audience.
The conference was a great opportunity for Dr Shukla to promote the new “International Journal of Peening Science and Technology which he developed since 2016 and currently edits. Authors are invited to write a peer-reviewed journal paper based on their presentation talks. Submissions can be made to

With Prabhakaran Subramanian from VIT University, Vellore, India.

With Prof. Dr. Lalit M. Kukreja (centre) currently a fellow in Bochum University, Germany and Prabhakaran Subramanian (far right)

With participants at the conference, including Prof Janez Grum, (very right) University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and Prof. Vijay Vasudevan (2nd from right), University of Cincinnati, USA.

Xiaojun Shen from Laser Engineering and Manufacturing Research Group Coventry University.

With Prof. Ric Allott from STFC, Central Laser Facility, UK

Some of the key members of the global Laser Shock Peening Community. The last two pictures were both a curtesy of Prof. Janez Grum (many thanks for sending them).