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New Publication: Laser Peening of nanolaminate graphene-aluminium alloy nanocomposites!

It is a great pleasure, to see the following paper now published:

“Enhanced surface and mechanical properties of bioinspired nanolaminate graphene-aluminium alloy nanocomposites through laser shock processing for biomedical implant and engineering applications”.

Congratulations to Prashantha Kumar and the fellow authors S. Prabhakaran, S. Kalainathan, from VIT University, as well as Vijay Vasudevan and Dong Lin from both University of Cincinnati and Kansas State University.

The link to the paper and the citation are as follows:


Prashantha Kumar H. G., Prabhakaran, S., Anthony Xavior M., Kalainathan, S., Lin, D., Shukla, P., and Vasudevan, V.K. (2018), Enhanced surface and mechanical properties of bioinspired nanolaminate graphene-aluminium alloy nanocomposites through laser shock processing for biomedical implant and engineering applications, Materials Today Communications. In Press.

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