First issue of “International Journal of Peening Science and Technology” now published.
It is a pleasure to finally announce the publication of the first volume, first issue of the International Journal of Peening Science and Technology. The Journal is focused on the wide range of peening techniques for strengthening conventional and new materials from theoretical aspects to application-dependent studies and the validation of emerging science and technologies.
This first issue of the journal comprises of articles focused on laser shock peening with and without coating, and cavitation peening, demonstrating the background science and material effects that the processes exhibit. These papers are novel and have been submitted by renowned researchers in the field.
As Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Shukla would like to thank the Editorial Board members at every stage of the journal’s development, the invited reviewers who provided invaluable reviews for the submitted manuscripts and in particular, the authors of the submitted papers as well as the staff of Old City Publishing for providing the guidance and support. It is in hope that this is the first of many in order to take the journal to great heights!
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