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Research Informed Teaching

Research informed teaching can take a number of forms. The most common is making reference to relevant academic research in the course of subject teaching; this is what Griffiths (2004) terms “research led teaching”. Research informed teaching also focuses on the processes through which knowledge is produced, places emphasis on developing skills of research and enquiry, and on developing a research culture in which students are encouraged to think about how knowledge is developed and how they can be engaged in that process.

My courseworks is shwon below. The topic is focused on a subject called laser shock peening. Student are to develop a parametric understanding of the process and this is basde on some of the unique papers that I have published on the topic to help them. Both teh coursework and the papers are shown below bringing the presented content in diagram above to life.

1. Shukla, P., Crooks, R., Wu. H., (2019), Shock-wave induced Compressive Stress in Alumina ceramics by Laser Peening, Material and Design, 167, 107626, 1-8, DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2019.107626.

2. Shukla, P., Robertson, S., Wu, H., Telang, A., Kattoura, M., Nath, S., Mannava, S.R., Vasudevan, V.K., and J. Lawrence, (2017), ‘Surface Engineering Alumina Armour Ceramics with Laser Shock Peening’, Materials and Design, 134, 523 - 538. DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2017.08.066.

3. Shukla, P., Nath, S., Wang, W., Shen, X., Lawrence, J. (2017), ‘Surface property modifications of silicon carbide ceramic following laser shock peening’. Journal of European Ceramic Society, 37(9), 1728 - 1739. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2017.03.005.

4. Shukla P., Smith G.C., Waugh, D.G., Lawrence. J. (2015), ‘Development in Laser Peening of Advanced Ceramics’, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9657, 77-85.

5. Shukla, P.P, Swanson, T.P., Page J.C., (2014) ‘Laser Shock Peening and Mechanical Shot Peening Processes Applicable for the Surface Treatment of Technical Grade Ceramics: A Review’. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 228 (5), 639 – 652.

The following resposne i have been getting from students over the past few years is as follows:

This CW was very interesting, it really got us in touch with teh theory and practicality".

This area of research is interesting, however, there is not much work done in this field and so we struggled to obtain literature. When we searched for whatever literature there is, we only foudn you (Pratik Shukla). So it was nice to relate published work on the search engines with your lecturer!

This work has challanged us to a level where we began to understand, the machine setting (parameters) with the theoretical approach.


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