A visit to Diamond Light Source for Residual Stress measurement.
It was a pleasure to be at the Diamond Light Source earlier this week with colleague from CNRS PIMM, Paris, and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. We were conducting measurements for residual stress on the synchatron at the above facility.
The project is focused on Laser Shock Peening of various grades of metals and alloys and measurement of stress distribution created by different laser systems around the world to form a deeper understanding of both the process and quality control, i.e. measurement of stress etc.. This project is lead by Dr Laurent Berthe from the laser shock physics laboratory in CNRS PIMM laboratories in Paris featuring in the picture below (very front right).

At the Diamond facility with the experimental set up.

Diamond Lightsource facility in the background.

Diamond Lightsource facility.

Some of our laser shock peened samples of aerospace grade aluminium alloys treated at 1um and 0.5um wavelengths at 1.5J and 600mJ laser energy and multiple pulses of 10ns and 1.5mm diameter, conducted at the laser peening facility at Coventry University and many other partners around the world (all samples not shown), that were ready for synchrotron stress measurement.