Dr Pratik Shukla undertakes Industrial and Academic Secondments in India.
Dr Pratik Shukla undertakes multi-institutional, International Knowledge Transfer Partnership and Secondments in India. It was a pleasure to visit the very green and spacious campus of the National Institution of Advanced Studies (NIAS) and the Indian Institution of Science (IISc), in the middle of Bengaluru, in the first week of July 2017. This visit was to establish, strengthen collaborations and future links with academics from Coventry University, IISc and NIAS. The meeting was first held with Dr Bujanga Roa who is from the National Institution of Advanced Studies and Prof. Amaresh Chakrabati who is a chairman of the Centre for Production Design and Manufacturing at IISc. Discussions were held with both the experts along the lines of undertaking joint research projects to improve the functional capabilities of various industrial components that are critical for safety.

IISc Campus, Bengaluru.

Dr Pratik Shukla and Prof. Amaresh Chakrabarti at the IISc's Centre for Product Design and Manufacture.
Other companies were also attend in Bengaluru, to discuss potential R&D work (Hindustan Aeronautics engine division in particular), before travelling to Vellore Institution of Technology (VIT) on the 9th June to spend a full week. Dr Pratik Shukla and Prof. Kalainathan from VIT, have established collaborations since the past two years and are now in the process of developing existing/new ideas and research proposal between VIT and Coventry University. Dr Shukla also spend considerable time in the VIT laser processing laboratory with S. Prabhakaran (a dynamic reseacher - PhD research), undertaking laser shock peening experiments. Throughout the week, Dr Shukla also met with the Vice Chancellor (Dr. Anand Samuel) of VIT, Vellore, and number of key academics to discuss student exchange, external supervision and discussed other related issues awaiting a solution that the society in and out of India could benefit from, by providing a technological advancement particularly using lasers.

A visit to Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.

A visit to Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.

Vellore Insititute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, Tamil Nadu.

With Prof. Kalainathan and his PhD student S. Prabhakaran from Centre of Crystal Growth.

Dr. Shukla with Prof. Kalainathan (left) and PhD candidate Prashantha Kumar.
Lastly, Dr Shukla presented a talk on the “Research activities in Laser Engineering and Manufacturing at Coventry University, UK”. This was a very successful and fruitful trip, whereby, both the institution will benefit from strengthened ties. This link is already leading towards joint papers and grants applications but now it has opened avenues to share unique expertise and knowledge between two institutions to conduct, cutting edge, thorough, novel, and significant research in the upcoming future.

An official notification sent around the campus of VIT to attend Dr Shukla's talk on "Research activities in Laser Engineering and Manufacturing at Coventry University, UK".

Plenty of lab visits to various departments, including material science, mechanical engineering, tribology, bio-engineering, tissue engineering followed by a note of remembrance.

Laser Shock Peening set-up and Experimentation (I must admit, I have not seen a laser laboratory as neat and well maintained as this for a long time).

Dr Pratik Shukla's talk on the current research activities at Coventry University.

Dr. Shukla answering some key questions.

Post presentation formalities conducted by Prof. Kalainathan.