ILAS 2017 Conference Attendance, Session Chairing and Presenting
Dr Shukla along with the his collegues from Coventry University (Laser Engineering and Manufacturing Research Group) attended ILAS2017 in Gratham, UK on the 22nd and 23rd March. ILAS 2017 was the 5th Industrial Laser Applications Symposium and occurs every two years. He gave a talk on “Laser Shock Peening of Ti6Al7Nb: Alteration of Hardness, Wear, Microstructure and Residual Stress” on behalf of Xiaojun Shen. This work is part of an ongoing PhD research project being conducted by Shen. It received good response and some of the feedback will help to shape the direction of Shen’s research. In addition, Dr Shukla also chaired a session called Surface Engineering Research on the second day of ILAS. The session comprised of one key note presentation and four other talks in relation to surface engineering.
Dr. Pratik Shukla Presenting at ILAS 2017.
ILAS 2017 was the 5th Industrial Laser Applications Symposium.
The first slide of Dr Shukla's presentation