Dr. Shukla Awarded an International Knowledge Transfer and Partnership Secondments (Inter-KT)
Dr Pratik Shukla was pleased to hear that he was awarded an Inter-KT (Knowledge Transfer) Grant. Inter KT aims to support Coventry University’s Research Strategy through developing international recognition of the University’s research. Led by the Knowledge Exchange Unit within the Enterprise & Innovation (E&I) group, selected academic staff are able to go on research secondments to international institutions. Dr Shukla will undertake research activities with one of his collaborators in India (VIT University, Vellore) as well as to make commercial and academic visits to two other organizations. This trip will take place in the summer of 2017 for a duration of 14 days followed by further work back at Coventry University that will ultimately complete the project and the desemination of the research output will tale place later in the year.