Awarded Prestigious EPSRC Laser
We are extremely excited and very proud to announce that the LEMRC has been awarded the NSL4 Litron Lasers 10J High Power Nd:YAG Laser System from the EPSRC Laser Loan Pool, a programme which is due to be retired in the near future.
Dr. Pratik Shukla, in collaboration with fellow LEMRC members Prof. Jonathan Lawrence, Dr. David Waugh and University of Manchester collaborators Prof. Lin Li and Dr. Zhu Liu will be employing this laser system for laser shock peening (LSP) of ceramic materials. This laser will also be employed to give the LEMRC wavelength flexibility for other research projects.
The NSL4 Litron Lasers 10J High Power Nd:YAG Laser System will be housed in the new LEMRC Applied and Industrial Laboratory Facility at the University of Chester and access will be provided for companies and fellow academics who would like to make use of the laser. Full details of the access system will be made available soon.